Creative Journaling #25

Creative Journaling #25


Day 25: Trace your hand or foot. Fill the shape in with paper, words, color, pattern..

The repetitive nature of filling something in gave me something to focus on, away from the chatter of my mind.
I was on the phone to a friend while I was doing this, and we were speaking of life purpose, and both of us spoke about how we felt that we were here for a reason, that there was a purpose just for us in this world. For me, this helps to give me hope, and understanding of the harshness and challenges in my life. It gives me the ability to use my experiences as a gift to others and the world, and to strengthen me. It also helps me to appreciate the great things I have in my life, and the ability that I have to find positives even when there is discomfort, even when things are not going my way. I am realizing that I still have a great power to choose my experiences. This does not mean running from them, hiding from them or pretending they do not exist. This means, acknowledging the feelings, challenges, sensations, and thoughts I have or that I am experiencing, and going in to them, seeing them, exploring them, being vulnerable. This surrender allows me to accept them as a part of being human. It also allows me to move through things more quickly, and experience release and peace afterwards. It shows me that yes, things will pass, and means that I can more bravely allow myself also to feel pleasure.
So this is a brief overview of this feeling that I have, the purpose that is within me. There are no words or images that will contain the extent of this purpose, and I feel that it is unravelling and revealing itself with each step I take.
Flowing through my hands
Fingertips tingling
Ready for action
The glow, flowing from my heart, expanding and creeping through my veins
A journey
From within, expressing and showing up
From my mind and my soul and my body
so that wandering eyes can land upon it
where it waits to leap into the hearts of passers by.

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